June 25, 2011

Humanoid Romeo Robot will launch on 2011

I think in future we see more Robots in operational routine works rather than humans. The reason of building Robot is more effective and efficient in term of working rather than humans. The latest news comes that France will launch or release the Robot “Romeo” on coming March 2011. The above image is a depiction of this Robot Romeo which is built by Paris based Aldebaran Robotics in France. The concept of this Robot is belong to Humanoid Robot which named by the developers as “Romeo”. The Robot Romeo has 40 Kg Weight with 1.4 m Tall and the expected cost of Romeo will be €250,000.
The developers said that Robot made on Humanoid concept which allows the robot to do all the routine human works like walk through home, getting food from kitchen, clean the tables, take out and put the garbage. The Romeo Robot will be used as a Social Robot which will helps the Old citizens in term of their works and also helps the disable peoples in term of supporting. The Aldebaran authorities said that the upcoming Romeo Robot will come with great numerous creative and innovation options including the elegant design of body, 4 Vertebra Backbone, Somewhat Soft Torso, composite Leg Exoskeleton, integration of High Tech New and Safer Control System, Articulated crafted Feet and never the less great compatible built communication system in Romeo.
Never the less, Robot Romeo interacts with peoples or humans through natural speech and gestures. The CEO of Aldebaran said that “the purpose of making Robot Romeo in order to helps the humans just like a human”.  I think its great news in the world of future technology because somewhat we need Robots in our daily works because we all are so busy in our professional lives. So we need someone who cares our homes and us but question is still that are these Robots is put the same feel or essence of love and affection as by humans. I think this question is still unanswered because thus why we are humans.

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